Friday, February 8, 2008

Our overnight visitor..........

On my way home from picking Sam up from pre-school, I came across this little guy. He had been hit by a car & was in shock & not moving.

I took him home & set him up in a quiet spot (i.e away from Sam) & phoned my close friend, Debbie whom works at the Reptile Park.

He was showing severe signs of stress & had some broken Quills (prickles on his back) but otherwise was unscathed.

By the next morning he was back to being active & showing no further shock signs, so it was time for him to be re-released.

Echidnas will die quickly if kept in captivity too long- from stress. They also must be returned to the exact same spot from where they are rescued as they have a very small territory & their families can be buried close by (including young).

I loved helping him. We are lucky to have Wallabies, Koalas, Possums & Platypus is our area but I must admit that Echidnas are my favourite!

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